Delaware Hockey Night Radio will present coverage of the 2018 New Jersey-Delaware Flyers Cup tournament beginning Monday, March 12 and continuing the entire week.
On Monday evening, the 2018 Inter-County Scholastic Hockey League (ICSHL) South Division champions from St. Mark’s make their Flyers Cup debut in a quarterfinal matchup with Eastern Regional of the South Jersey High School Hockey League (SHJHL). Air time from the Patriot Ice Center in Newark, Del. is slated for 7:30 p.m.
Other Delaware teams in action Monday include Delaware Military Academy, who faces Cherokee in a quarterfinal game in Voorhees, N.J., and Appoquinimink, who plays Kingsway at the Patriot Ice Center in one of two preliminary-round matches.
Defending Flyers Cup champion Salesianum, seeded second in the 10-team bracket, will host the winner of the Washington Township-Shawnee preliminary at the Patriot Ice Center on Tuesday evening (March 13). Air time on Delaware Hockey Night Radio is 8:15 p.m.
Surviving teams meet in semifinal action Wednesday (March 14), with the Flyers Cup championship to be settled Thursday (March 15) or Friday (March 16). As such, DHN Radio programming has yet to be determined. Follow @DEHockeyNight and @FlyersCommunity on Twitter for updates throughout the Flyers Cup tournament.